
September 1, 2020

Konstantin Lichtenwald Assesses New Not-for-Profit Reporting Requirements

CPA Konstantin Lichtenwald assesses new reporting requirements for not-for-profit companies. The latest not-for-profit reporting requirements for CPAs are unusual. That’s because, as opposed to requiring more detail, these requirements generally ask for less detail to be reported in statements. This means adjusting to the new requirements should be easy for nonprofit companies and their CPAs. […]

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August 19, 2020

CPA Konstantin Lichtenwald Discusses Evaluating Risk When Working in the Not-For-Profit Industry

CPA Konstantin Lichtenwald discusses evaluating risk when working in the not-for-profit industry.  The evaluation of risk is an essential part of every industry. As time continues, globalization and technological advancements are occurring more quickly than ever before. These new advancements create new visions, and ultimately, new risks and uncertainties. CPA Konstantin Lichtenwald of Vancouver recently […]

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